


School Life (Part 2)

School Day

Introduction to Schools

School starts at 8 a.m. Safe routes for children to take are determined by the school. Children walk to school together with friends who live nearby.

Introduction to Schools

Everyone enters through the foyer to go to class. There is a space for everyone's shoes in the foyer. Children change into indoor shoes here before going to their classrooms.

Introduction to Schools

Let's take a look at the clothes children wear to school.

Elementary students wear yellow hats and name tags. School supplies are kept in backpacks. Exercise clothes go in a separate bag. Tennis shoes are worn to school. Sandals are not allowed. There are many elementary schools that do not have uniforms.

Introduction to Schools

Most junior high schools, on the other hand, have uniforms.
Each school has its own uniform, buttons and badges, so check with your school to get the right uniform.

Morning Meeting

Introduction to Schools

When the teacher arrives, everyone greets him or her in unison. The morning meeting is used for reviewing the day's schedule and things like that.


Introduction to Schools

Class begins. Everyone listens to the teacher.

Introduction to Schools

Depending on the subject, students may go to a different classroom for special learning activities. This would include Music and Physical Education. Physical Education class takes place in the school yard or the gym. Children change into comfortable exercise clothes for the class.

Introduction to Schools

The number of lessons in a day and the time to go home depends on the day of week and the grade your child is in. Each period lasts for 45 minutes in elementary school and 50 minutes in junior high school.







